Spherical Panorama Bracket
- We do not make this bracket at this time -

RAYNOX DCR-FE180PRO shown with Canon Pro1

NEW - August 26th 2005 Today I finished making a bracket for theRAYNOXDCR-FE180PRO, this lens will fit almost any serious digital camera on the market. the bracket weigh about 120 grams and fold perfectly flat, the base fits inside the ring, this bracket will fit in your pocket..

  • Instead of a large rotator I am using a Bogen extension which rotates smoothly and have no practical footprint in the picture, I removed the head from the tripod and mount the Bogen extension directly to the center screw of the tripod, the result is a very small footprint, however with the RAYNOXDCR-FE180PRO this does not reallly apply since this lens does not cover all the way down, on average my stitch ends up at 177 degrees. still a small footpring means the bracket is virtually not visible in the 180pro images. ask for sample shots.
    Manfrotto product # 259B - Bogen code (USA only): 3007X
    Cost is app $20 at places like Samy's in LA and B&H Photo.
    Samy's Catalog

  • I have had very good experiences getting RAYNOX fisheye lenses from Digital Distributors - Visit their website or call them at 800 774-7282

  • Check out all the RAYNOX lenses here. for spherical panorama photography you are particularly interested in the 185pro or the 180pro.

  • For what its worth, its possible to use the bracket made for the RAYNOX DCR-FE180PRO on the 185PRO, but you will need to run a bit of tape around the narrow section of the lens tube, I do not recomend this solution unless you happen to have both lenses.

Availability - the RAYNOX DCR-FE180PRO bracket is no longer available. We stongly recomend using a Nikon FC-E9 instead.


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Laser cutting of the pieced for the SIGMA 8mm spherical fisheye panorama bracket

Bracket pieces being cut on the laser, because of the accuracy of the laser it is possible to create a very accurate spherical panorama bracket from high grade model aircraft birch plywood, which is a uncommonly dense and solid wood.