Making Websites on a WinCE or Pocket PC computer

Updated Nov 3 2001


Creating html on a Pocket PC or a WinCE computer

Software for editing html on your PocketPC or HPC:
H-Bomb Html Editor
UltraViolet Html Editor

    This year I started building two websites on my Clio 1050, at first it was for fun since I have much more powerful tools at work, but now it have become a hobby. (smile) The sites is my home page and a webpage I started building for some Thai friends in LA, Click here to check my Website.
    This page have links to the tools I found that was needed, and help for making a Website. If you have specific questions, please e-mail me so that I can include them...

Currently the most powerful html editor available for Pocket PC and WinCE computers are HTML Edit from BnK Software (Though Brian seems to have dissapeared lately.) and I am going to focus on how to develop html using this software, however I want to mention also the UltraViolet HTML Editor, it is a easy to use editor with a VERY cool customizable HTML TAG feature. You will have some fun using it, however for anyting serious you are going to want to check out HTML Edit..!
Basically any website is simply a text file saved on a harddrive which can be accessed from the internet, most of us choose to use somebody elses computer, such as our ISP (Internet Service Provider) who more often than not offer several megabytes of space for members personal websites, it is pretty unlikely that you will ever need more space than the 2-5 megs your ISP offer when building a website on your Pocket PC or WinCE computer... (though some of us DO go overboard, my website is about 250 files and 3 megabytes, and the WinCE part of my website is about 200 files and something like 4 megabytes all created on my Clio WinCE computer. most of these are image files.)
Lets get back to HTML... This acronym stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, like I said before, it is pretty much a text file, what makes HTML work is a bunch of "TAGS" this is codes put into "<" and ">" clamps, each TAG gives particular information about the behavior of the page, the pictures on the page and all other features of the page. If you tag a <B> before a chunk of text you will get bold text. To stop the bold you need to put a end tag </B> Notice the slash "/" this is used in all end tags to indicate that this is the place action started by the first tag ends.
Maybe the most defining TAG or feature of the web is the hyper link, it is actually a "Action" tag, which can be used to specify a number of actions, for this purpose we will review links to another page and links to your e-mail address... The basic tag looks like this

<A HREF=> link text </A>

The First part is the "<A HREF=> " which defines this as a link tag, Notice that it includes the web address it is suposed to point to. Then there is the "Link text" this is the part which gets underlined so that we will know that it is a active link we can click on. Finally there is the "END" tag "</A>", this ends the area which is click-able.
A graphic tag works the same way. It looks like this:
<IMG SRC=Image.jpg>

You can see that it is a image tag, and that it have a link to the image it is suposed to display, the image is called "src" for "source". It is worth noting that you can place a image tag in place of the "link text" when you write a link, this will make the image clickable, clicking on a image placed in a link tag will get the same result as clicking on underlined text. A image link could look like this:
<A HREF=> <IMG SRC=Image.jpg> </A>

Notice that first there is the "link" tag, then there is the "image" tag and finally the "end link" tag. The link tag can be wrapped around several images and / or text, everything between the start and end tag will become clickable.

Links to HTML Editing software


BnK Softs HTML Edit 3.0 for Pocket PC
BnK Softs HTML Edit for HPC's
UltraViolet HTML Editor for the Palm Size PC
Aeonigmasoft's H-Bomb Html Editor
FTP Force software from Ruksun
Images for your website
Prepare your images using Pocket Artist from Conduits, it allows you to save images as JPEGS, you want to save them as resources for future use, for that I suggest using a JPEG 10 setting, then save the image out seperately for your website in the size you need it to be, I prefer to use JPG 6-8 for that. naturally the ideal is a very smal image file so that the visitor do not have to spend a lot of time downloading. Pocket Artist
Read my review of Pocket Artist   VR-Photography Photoshop   WinCE Stuff

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